Sunday, April 6, 2008

Scribe 3.31.08

Series Circuit:
*a series circuit in which there is only one current path with multiple drops in potential along the path
*(ex) Christmas lights not working
Current in a Series Circuit:
*the current is the same in all components of a series circuit
Potential in a Series Circuit:
*the sum of the potential drops in a series circuit is equal to the source potential
Resistance in a Series Circuit:
*the equivalent resistance of a series circuit is equal to the sum of the resistance of its components
*ammeters must be connected in series
-all current has to flow through it
*only 1 path
*derivation of series circuit Req
*Given V=V1+V2+V3+... where V=IR
*Then IReq=I1R1+I2R2+I3R3+...
*But I=I1=I2=I3=...
*So Req=R1+R2+R3+...
Parallel Circuits:
*a parallel circuit is one in which there is only one potential drop with multiple paths for current to flow across the potential drop
Current in a Parallel Circuit:
*total current in a parallel circuit is the current supplied by the source and is equal to the sum of the branch current
Potential in a Parallel Circuit:
*the potential drop across each branch of a parallel circuit is the same as the source potential
Resistance in a Parallel Circuit:
*the reciprical of Req of a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the recipricals of the brance resistance
*Voltmeters must be connected in parallel


KRC24 said...

wow excellent blog post. you certainally seem to know what you're talking about. i am amazed by the knowledge you retained during class. Without this blog post i dont know if i would pass the upcoming give me hope.

Courtney said...

Good notes, thanks for posting the definitions. I didn't realize we had a test tomorrow this will help.

Laura K said...

That was a fantastic blogpost Rachel! I loved your use of color to get the point across, it worked! Thanks for the great post.

lucien said...

this would have really helped me on the quiz. the parallel vs. series stuff was a little hazy.