Sunday, February 3, 2008

Wednesday January 30, 2008

Today we reviewed two kinds of waves, Longitudinal and Transverse. Longitudinal waves create a pulse and their particles move back and forth in the same direction; whereas the Transverse waves have perpendicular directions of travel.

We then moved on to covering the characteristics of periodic waves.
First we covered frequency.

Frequency is the number of vibrations per unit time
The symbol is f
The unit is in hertz or Hz
The conversion is 1 cycle per second = 1s^-1

Secondly, we covered the period of a wave.
A Period of a wave is the time required for one complete vibration
The symbol is T
The unit is second
The equation is T=1/f

We then went on to discuss amplitude, or the maximum displacement of a particle of the medium from its rest position. For example, light waves, brightness, and loudness.

We also discovered the phase of a wave.
Indicators that mean points on a periodic wave are in phase include:
1) Same displacement from rest postition
2) Same DIRECTION of motion

Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points in phase
The symbol is the lambda

The equation to discover the speed of the wave was as follows:
velocity = frequency times lambda

Our homework was worksheet waves #1


Alexis said...

Great explanation and use of color Laura! It really captured the essence of the lesson. I will definitely use these notes to study for our waves test when we have it because I could really understand the definitions you gave. Well done!

Anonymous said...

This was a really good post, color and everything. I wish I had read this before the test because it would have been helpful in reviewing for the test. Nice job with this post.